Perusall – Reading Notation Platform & More
We are excited to announce that we have launched a new interactive social e-reader tool called Perusall. Perusall is an e-reader platform that leverages artificial intelligence and social media-inspired design to promote and incentivize timely reading behavior. It includes multi-media sharing capabilities, text highlighting, and read aloud screen reader. Additionally for instructor support it includes detailed analytics, auto-scoring for faster and easier grading, and much more.
For more information about Perusall, view the Perusall help article found on the website.
Student Feedback Box
As a reminder to faculty, an easy way to enable anonymous student feedback in your course(s) is via the Feedback Box tool. Feedback Box is great for collecting student suggestions, midterm course evaluations, and data for evaluating your teaching. It only takes seconds to activate. You can manage the tool entirely from within Canvas.
To find out more about this tool, please see our Feedback Box article.
Hello Sky,
I would welcome your suggestions on how to use the peer to peer Canvas feature. Thanks!