Florida International University is designated as a minority serving institution, meaning that a majority of the student body derive from groups that are usually minorities in other institutions. Taking a stroll through FIU you soon realize the diversity of languages, culture, and perspectives is what makes this institution so special. Non-traditional students have the ability […]
Category: Online Educators
Adaptive Learning: Benefits and Considerations
Over the past few years, the coverage on ‘adaptive learning’ in higher education has steadily increased. This has become evident by the increasing number of vendors and publishers offering their unique flavor of “adaptive” learning. So, what exactly is adaptive learning? Defining Adaptive The formal definition is: systems that provide each student with a personalized […]
Understanding Student Motivation (Part 1)
Understanding Student Motivation for More Effective Teaching: A Mini-Series Adapted from: Mayer, Richard E., and Susan A. Ambrose. How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print. I am passionate about my field of expertise, and I put a lot of effort into creating comprehensive lectures in the hopes that […]
5 Ways to Increase your Online Instructor Presence
We introduced the important role of instructors in online courses in Instructor Presence: An Introduction to Why it Matters. Instructor presence in online education has been shown to improve the experiences of students enrolled. Interpersonal interaction in online courses also makes a difference in predicting student grades. How can faculty incorporate opportunities for interaction, and promote […]
Don’t Stop Believing: How our Beliefs influence our Learning
Do you think you are smart? What are the consequences of perceived notions of intelligence on education? Should learners feel like they can succeed before entering a classroom? Some of these questions are addressed in a joint study out of Columbia University and Stanford University “Why do beliefs about intelligence influence learning success? A social […]
7 Ideas for Making your Course More Affordable
Keeping Affordability in Mind As educators, we are constantly thinking about how to refine and rethink our course to make it better. However, affordability of course materials usually takes a back seat to some of the other major components of our courses. As you think about making improvements and changes to your course, ask yourself: […]
3D Scanning comes to Online Courses at FIU
The Multimedia Studios at FIU Online have added something new to their growing list of capabilities: 3D scanning and Photogrammetry of objects for online courses. Late in 2016, the Studios acquired new hardware and software designed to bring a new way of interacting with objects for those taking fully online courses. By scanning the objects […]
Instructor Presence: An Introduction to Why it Matters
The method of instruction varies in online courses, but research and technology continue to improve with ongoing benefits ahead for both students and instructors. Besides good course design involving consideration to the goals and assignments of the class, interaction between instructors and students plays a vital role in the experiences of online students. Adult learning theory […]
Video: Distance Education: Then to Now
From the early years of correspondence courses all the way through the age of the internet, distance education has taken many forms. However, the promotion of accessibility of education remains a timeless aspect of the field. This brief video will take you through the different stages that affected distance education, which dates back as far […]
Online Learning: The Gathering – Lessons About Distance Education from a Trading Card Game
Written By: Matthew Acevedo, Instructional Design Manager A number of us in the instructional design shop at FIU Online have taken to spending the better part of our lunch break playing Magic: The Gathering, a trading card game that’s been around since the early 90s and continues to grow and evolve. Some of us have […]