Open Educational Resources is a term that was first coined in 2002 at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization forum. Fast-forward 15 years, and we are now witnessing a re-engagement with this cost-saving measure. Through partnerships like the one FIU has announced with OpenStax, universities and community colleges have committed to making higher […]
Category: Online Educators
Open Educational Resources: What are they and how to get started
Recently, FIU announced a partnership with OpenStax, a provider of openly licensed textbooks. OpenStax will be providing FIU and 10 other institutions guidance and best practices for OER implementation throughout our campuses. So what exactly are OERs or open educational resources and how can you get started? What is OER? Open Educational Resources are materials […]
Ultimate Guide to Connect Confidently with Social Media
Social media is one of many tools that faculty can use to enhance instruction and increase student engagement. By design, it is a collaborative area primed to promote active learning. Many students already “live” in these social media areas. They are familiar with the general technology and are comfortable with the style of communication exchange. […]
Understanding Student Motivation (Part 3)
Understanding Student Motivation for More Effective Teaching: A Mini-Series Adapted from: Mayer, Richard E., and Susan A. Ambrose. How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print. We began this student motivation mini-series (Part I) discussing the importance of establishing the value of instruction to students by showing relevance […]
Connectivism: The Future of Learning?
Learning Theories Learning theories form established frameworks that help relate psychology with the process of learning. Three widely regarded theories of learning include behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Below is a brief description of each theory and how it relates to learning. Practical application of these theories can be found in previous Insider posts. Behaviorism: […]
The Five Self-Regulated Learning Profiles Found in Online Students
The use of self-regulating learning skills and strategies within the online learning environment has been shown to play a significant role in a student’s level of academic achievement. In a recent study published by Barnard-Brak, Lan, and Paton, they discuss their research into the classification of five distinct profiles of self-regulated learning. They found that […]
Four Things Students Want from their Online Programs
According to Ed Tech, online college students make up at least 25% of the total student population attending college in the United States. Traditional higher education enrollments decrease, while online enrollments continue to increase. Driving the influx of online college enrollments is a demanding and tech savvy student body. A study recently conducted by The […]
Understanding Student Motivation (Part 2)
Understanding Student Motivation for More Effective Teaching: A Mini-Series Adapted from: Mayer, Richard E., and Susan A. Ambrose. How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print. In Part 1 of this mini-series, we explored the first of three interacting variables affecting student motivation: subjective value. We discussed the importance […]
Benefits of Collaborative Assignments in Online Courses
Student interaction in online courses creates benefits that are worth taking the time to consider. From the value of social learning to the real-world application of communication and teamwork, collaborative assignments can target important higher-order thinking skills needed for learning in school and beyond. Integrating social components in courses has been stressed through theory for […]
Designing Assessments to Promote Concept Retention
Designing assessments for your course that help your students learn and retain skills, theories, and gain mastery will encourage student success, as well as provide inherent motivation to complete the tasks you assign. By employing a variety of assessment types, you can provide opportunities for students with different learning styles to understand and absorb key […]