Create Quiz Extensions Fast & Easy

Update Button on Computer Glass Keyboard

Before the semester starts and throughout, instructors may receive accommodation requests for our students from the FIU Disability Resource Center (DRC). Frequently, these accommodations might include additional time for assessments (quizzes & exams), i.e. quiz extensions.

FIU Online Quiz Extensions

Extensions of Canvas Quizzes can be made on a quiz-by-quiz basis using the Moderate This Quiz area in Canvas. However, FIU has developed “Quiz Extensions.” The tool’s primary use is to allocate extra time for a single or multiple students for all quizzes existing in a course.

Who can use it?

The tool is now available to all teachers, teaching assistants, and section designers. This feature is convenient, easy-to-use, and saves time! Learn more about using FIU Online Quiz Extensions as an FIU instructor.

All extensions performed prior to this change will remain even though they are not visible through the new tool. Previous extensions can be verified through the Moderate Quiz feature.

If you have any additional questions, please contact FIU Canvas Help.

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Valentine [Sky] rocked the FIU Online Instructional Designer "hat" for over 10 years. Her areas of expertise included social media, user interface design & game design thinking, Quality Matters, and the Canvas LMS. Since 2019, she was an Instructure/Canvas Advocate. Additionally, Valentine provided her HigherEd expertise as a Canvas Certified Educator program course facilitator. She was also an Adjunct Instructor with FIU's Marketing and Logistics department.

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