Learn It to Earn It is FIU Online’s campaign to promote a culture of academic integrity based on the university’s core values: Truth, Freedom, Respect, Responsibility, and Excellence.
Learn It to Earn It was created on the idea that students should earn their grades and their degrees by learning their course material and engaging in actions which exemplify academic integrity. Through a pledge campaign, promotional materials, and engagingly informational videos, FIU Online — in partnership with other university partners — is doing its part to promote academic integrity among FIU students, particularly those taking courses online.
Learn It to Earn It also encourages instructors to take steps in their courses which promote academic integrity and mitigate opportunities for academic dishonesty. These steps include employing authentic assessment strategies, deemphasizing high stakes assessments, and implementing technology platforms which reduce opportunities for cheating or plagiarism. Faculty can consult the instructional design team for assistance with all issues pertaining to academic integrity.
Students can learn more about the campaign by visiting http://earnit.fiu.edu/.
How is academic misconduct defined? Academic misconduct includes the following:
- Cheating: The unauthorized use of books, notes, aids, electronic sources; unauthorized use of online exams, library materials, or assistance from another person with respect to examinations, course assignments, field service reports, class recitations; unauthorized possession of examination papers or course materials (or online examination information), whether originally authorized or not. Any student who helps another to cheat may be found guilty of academic misconduct.
- Plagiarism: The deliberate use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student’s own. Any student who fails to give credit for the ideas, expressions, or materials taken from another source — including internet sources — is guilty of plagiarism. Any student helping another to plagiarize may also be found guilty of academic misconduct.
- Misrepresentation: Intentionally lying to a member of the faculty, staff, administration, or an outside agency to gain academic advantage for oneself or another, to misrepresent, or interfere with the investigation of a charge of academic misconduct.
- Misuse of Computer Services: The unauthorized use of any computer, computer resource or computer project number, the alteration or destruction of computerized information or files, or unauthorized appropriation of another’s program(s).
- Bribery: The offering of money, goods, or services to a member of the faculty, staff, administration, or any other person in order to commit academic misconduct.
- Conspiracy and Collusion: The planning or acting with one or more fellow students, any member of the faculty, staff or administration, or any other person to commit of academic misconduct together.
- Falsification of Records: The tampering with, or altering of any academic record used or maintained by the university.
- Academic Dishonesty: Any act or omission not specifically mentioned above which is outside the customary scope of preparing and completing academic assignments which is contrary to the above-stated policies concerning academic integrity.
The goal of Learn It to Earn It is simple: support FIU’s academic integrity culture and uphold its values.
Please visit the following pages to learn more: