How to use H5P’s Interactive Book feature for more than just textbooks 

Cartoon of a woman reading a book while sitting on a bookstack framed by a tablet like device

What is H5P’s Interactive Book Tool? 

Did you know that H5P offers an Interactive Book tool? The Interactive Book feature is a multi-purpose tool that empowers instructors to combine over 30 types of interactive content and rich media (interactive videos, quizzes, image hotspots, hypertext, etc.) into one presentation. Moreover, instructors can insert the final product into their courses directly. Though the name of the tool implies it’s meant for long books, you can also use it to quickly create small-scale, informative blocks of content to aid and enrich the student learning experience.  

How to leverage the Interactive Book tool in your online course:

Here are a few simple examples of how you can include the Interactive Book tool in your course. First, you can create and display a quick overview of your course during your initial class meeting. Collapse long, complicated assignment instructions into a compact, embeddable package students can navigate easily (even from a mobile device). Or create practice or review quizzes embeddable onto your chapter and module overview pages.  Here are a few more examples to get you started: 

A Quick Course Overview—ABC1234

H5P’s mobile-friendly design makes it a great tool when considering the many ways students might access your course. You can use the “Course Presentation” feature to embed a set of slides with course information students can quickly reference from their phone or tablet. These overviews can also be used to provide essential info to students while introducing them to the course. Consider embedding an overview near your course introduction video to provide relevant information. 

Condensed Assignment Information

If your course has an assignment with complicated or long instructions, try using the “Accordion” feature to help students find and focus on specific information. Students can expand and collapse large blocks of text in an assignment description allowing for simple, straightforward navigation.  

Chapter Review

If you provide review materials to your students for quizzes or exams, consider creating review quizzes with multiple choice and true/false questions using H5P. You can embed these quizzes at the end of your chapter or module content pages to allow students a quick concept check. The question creation tool also provides powerful feedback options which allow instructors to point students in the right direction for further study. In addition, the tool provides both a progress and score summary to students so they can track their improvement. 

There are many other options available while using H5P’s Interactive Book tool. Experiment with its content types and see which fits your and your students’ needs best. Your instructional designer will be happy to help turn your creative ideas into functional, interactive content. 

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