Canvas New Gradebook- What You Need to Know

Canvas New Gradebook

Canvas has redesigned their Gradebook to make grading more flexible and intuitive. FIU Online and Educational Technology Services announced the new Gradebook will be enabled on Canvas for all courses on May 2nd, 2019, at 11:00am Eastern Time.

Canvas New Gradebook, New Features

  • Final Grade Override in which instructors can replace a student’s final grade calculated through Canvas activities with a manually entered grade
  • A consolidated Gradebook menu with different gradebook types like Learning Mastery (if enabled), Individual View, and Gradebook History
  • Control over color feedback with a built-in color key
  • Improved keyboard accessibility for better grade entry
  • Drag and drop total columns
  • Crosshairs and highlighting for improved orientation
  • Late and missing flags with automatic deduction policies


Canvas New Gradebook Tray example
This is an example view of the New Gradebook tray in Canvas.


Learn More with Training and Support

You can view a comparison between the traditional gradebook and the “New Gradebook” prepared by Canvas Coach & Canvassador Kona Jones. Kona’s name might be familiar as she recently presented “Creating Instructor Presence in Your Online Course” as part of FIU Online’s Faculty Webinar series. Additionally, your Instructional Designer is available to you to address any questions that might arise as you get to know the new Canvas Gradebook.

Valentine [Sky] rocked the FIU Online Instructional Designer "hat" for over 10 years. Her areas of expertise included social media, user interface design & game design thinking, Quality Matters, and the Canvas LMS. Since 2019, she was an Instructure/Canvas Advocate. Additionally, Valentine provided her HigherEd expertise as a Canvas Certified Educator program course facilitator. She was also an Adjunct Instructor with FIU's Marketing and Logistics department.

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